1 Mar 2014

11 Lifestyle Practices to Help You Gain Confidence


I can speak from experience that having a lack of confidence did not bring me far in life. Once I hit middle school I became hesitant of every move I made and word I spoke. I remained stagnant. I never made any bold moves and the idea of being uncomfortable in my life shook the core of my being. Because of this, I felt empty and stuck. I never took any risks because I didn’t want to give up my comfy life.

I’m not the only person who has felt like this. Confidence can be a hard thing to develop if you don’t have the right mindset. That’s what it all comes down to—your mind. Yes, there are people who feel more comfortable in front of others, taking risks, and being spontaneous. And yes, there are others who feel more comfortable in the back of a room and complacent with where they are. However, even the shyest of those can carry a “quiet confidence.” Quiet or loud, confidence is confidence. There is no secret to obtaining confidence. Rather, there are 11 habits that confident people practice differently.

1. They welcome fear.

You’ve probably heard of the famous quote by Franklin Roosevelt, that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. When confident people are faced with fear, they don’t hide from it. They know that the feelings brought on by fear are key detectors of doing something right. When you are fearful of being in an uncomfortable scenario, remember it’s a good thing.

2. They leave their comfort zone.

Imagine seeing a better, more successful, and happier version of yourself standing on the outside of your comfort zone. This is what getting out of your comfort zone can do for you! Confident people see this and can’t wait to leave it because they know that something better waits for them on the other side. Personal growth has no boundaries for confident people.

3. They leave behind laziness.

Instead of thinking of work as a chore, confident people think about the feeling of accomplishment and get the work done! Procrastination and laziness only lead to more anxiety about the looming deadline. How do you feel when you finally get something done? Pretty good, right? Let that be your motivator. Pretty soon you will be brimming with confidence.

4.They have a good time.

Enjoying yourself is the best way to cut loose and truly be happy. Confident people know that they have work to do. But above that, they don’t take everything else in life as serious as they take their work. They know that life is short and should be spent living it out in the most adventurous and fulfilling way possible.

5. They ignore other people’s opinions.

This is where confidence stems from. Confident people know that is impossible and pointless to put everyone in a box. They let those limiting words and thoughts roll off their backs because they know they’re just words. They also live a life that meets their expectations and no one else’s. That’s not to say that they don’t face disappointment, but they don’t have the extra burden of someone else’s disappointment too.

6. They don’t judge.

Judgment brings about feelings of negativity and doubt. Confident people take others for who they are and experience life for what it is. Judging wastes precious time and takes up a lot of energy. In my experience, I have let go of judging because I know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of judgment. Confident people know that every person and situation is different. Because of this, they give everyone and everything an equal opportunity.

7. They are problem-solvers.

It’s very easy to recognize the problems going on in our lives. Everyone has a different caveat. How confident people become the way they are, is by going one step further and focusing their energy on solutions. Simply acknowledge the problem, and spend the rest of your time and resources on finding an answer. In addition to gaining confidence, you will also develop a sense of independence.

8. They drop the comparisons.

This is linked directly to ignoring other people’s opinions. Just like they ignore being compared by others, confident people don’t compare their lives to others. They know that their life is theirs, and no one can have the same experiences they have. They know that they’re unique. Someone or something may inspire them, but they never try to mimic exactly what happened. They acknowledge and grow to love the life they lead.

9. They have a small group of friends.

Contrary to what you may have heard, confident people have a small circle of friends that they know and trust. They pick their friends wisely because they know that whom you surround yourself with affects your confidence. Most importantly, they are happy with the friends they have.

10. They create their own guidelines

Don’t think of “A Rebel Without a Cause” that walks around defying the laws around them. What this means is that confident people know there are too many people giving their opinions and ideas about how life should be lived. With so many individuals and institutions shouting their beliefs at you, it can be overwhelming. Confident people mute those voices and listen to their own inner voice. They live their life based on their own experiences because they know that to be the most honest thing. Listening to yourself will surely give you a boost of confidence!

11. They try and try again.

Confident people continue to try even after they’ve been unsuccessful. True failure only happens when you stop trying or you don’t try at all. It doesn’t matter whether the result is what you expected or not. The simple fact that you tried brings you one step further than where you were.

Like I said before, these are not secrets that alter your personality. These are practices that alter your mindset to help you become the confident person that is deep down within you. Adhere to these habits and your confidence will surely blossom!


Until next time, Think BIG and Give THANKS

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